Support Our Cause
MentorPortal is a nonprofit organization on a mission to empower students, nurture their spiritual, social, and academic development, and create the leaders of tomorrow who live for others. Your generous contributions play a vital role in helping us achieve our goals.
Every dollar you donate will make a difference. It will help us provide our programs to more students, help them achieve their goals, and make a difference in the world.
The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity
When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge which is beneficial, or a righteous child who prays for him
The gift of giving is the honor of humanity; it is the light of existence and the secret of eternal permanence
Why Give?
MentorPortal is a nonprofit organization on a mission to empower students, nurture their spiritual, social, and academic development, and create the leaders of tomorrow who live for others. Your generous contributions play a vital role in helping us achieve our goals
Make a Difference
Your support helps us continue offering programs, classes, seminars, and mentorship to students of all ages. Join us in our mission to instill a lifelong passion for learning, character development, and a commitment to living for others.