About Nehir Su

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So far Nehir Su has created 158 blog entries.


Culture Festival: Arizona High School and University guidance group voluntarily introduced Turkish culture and cuisine and started a dialogue with different cultures

2024-02-22T22:38:19-05:00October 21st, 2023|Tags: |

Dua Discussion

We had a discussion held by Kemal Korucu at the Cultural Center with our high school girls. The topic discussed was “The

2024-02-22T22:38:20-05:00October 21st, 2023|Tags: |

West- Boys Mentor Training

West Coast organized a mentor training program in Sacramento this summer. Middle-high school mentors and assistant mentors joined this training and they

2024-02-22T22:38:20-05:00September 19th, 2023|Tags: |
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